Wednesday, October 20, 2010

General update

Hello everyone! I am honestly going to updating as regularly as possible from now on. I realized what I had been doing that has been preventing that so I am going to fix that and put more posts up. For now, I wanted to give a general update of some of the things I have been through and learned since I last posted. The first thing I found out is something that had I lived in a dorm before I am sure I already would have known, but here it is....Do not under any circumstances get romantically or physically involved with someone in your dorm. Mind you I learned this from watching my friends here and I know there are often exceptions to that rule, but still it has lead to a few awkward interactions between my dorm mates. The second thing I found out is that when my weekend starts out going downhill, it will not stop until I have hit the ground. So basically I had a really rubbish weekend. Finally, if you want a good sense of paranoia in your life, join assassin’s guild. I joined and the long game started Monday. Monday I came back to the dorm and found out that, already, two of the three people targeting me had been in the dorm. Needless to say, I was quite a bit paranoid for the remainder of the day.

My classes are going well and my sleep schedule is starting to be affected by everything I have been doing lately, but that is pretty Cornell normal. As is the norm for me, I am learning more in some classes then in others simply because some interest me more. For the most part though, I have been having an awesome time. The only thing is that I am missing certain things about the States. For example, I am missing going into a store and seeing brands I know, I miss being mocked jokingly for my southern accent as opposed to my American accent, I miss not saying rubbish when I am describing something I do not like, and I really kind of miss the currency. That last one might sound odd but I was kind of excited when I found that my friend had a dollar hanging around. Silly no? Anyway that is about it, though I plan to go to Coventry this weekend and will post more about it. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask! Cheers!

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