Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Common room

In Benefactors we have a common room that I may or may not have mentioned before. I am not sure if the other dorms have common rooms or rather if they do, how they are set up. However, at I believe Benefactor's common room is unique in that you can see into the halls surrounding it on both floors. For some reason whoever built it found the need to put glass panels surrounding the common room instead of walls. It can be annoying though, especially until you get used to it. Just imagine that every time you leave your room for any reason, you are watched by whoever is sitting in the common room. This can be a bit embarrassing when you are cooking lunch in the kitchen and keep forgetting things in your room and evidently can also cause some interesting conversations. Although the funniest show seen from the common room probably happened this afternoon.

So my roommate and I are in assassin’s guild and were recently put on the wanted list for failing to make a legal mock assassination attempt within the allotted time. This means that a group called the inquisition, which consists of "dead" players and those who did not sign up for the long game, and those still in the game can now come after us with the intention of mock killing us. Anyway, it was about 7pm here and we were about to leave for Karate, so we were already in our uniforms, and we got a knock on the door. Not thinking about it, my roommate answered. It was an assassin from the inquisition, ironically the person she had assassinated. So he went and hid in the stairs and when we went to investigate, he saw us, and the chase began. Now imagine looking up and seeing two girls in karate uniforms running from a guy with cardboard shaped to look like a knife. I can just imagine how that must have looked.

The common room has also given inspiration to several names such as "the hall of shame", "the zoo", and the fish bowl. If any more stories like the one above come up, I will post them. In the mean time, here are some pictures to give a better idea. Cheers!

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