Sunday, October 3, 2010


On Thursday, we went on a walking tour of Coventry, the city surrounding Warwick University. We got to learn some of the history, especially about the local church which was bombed in WWII. The main walls managed to survive the blast and are still standing today. Shortly after the attack, building started on a new church and a roof connects the two structures, as a symbol of the past and future combining. It is quite beautiful.

One of my favorite parts of the church is displayed in the picture below. Evidently after the blast, a cardinal found that two pieces of the roof had survived and were laying the shape of a cross. He tied those pieces together and then behind it, put the inscription "father forgive". This is meant as a prayer to seek forgiveness not only to those who dropped the bomb, but also to all who participated in WWII and all other wars. The main message being to forgive others and then maybe wars can be prevented.

The other thing Coventry has is a bunch of places to shop. I could not take any pictures of the structure though because you are actually not allowed to. There are many different clothing stores and places to buy food. It a great place to buy kitchen ware, and there is a local IKEA that you can easily walk to. Also their market is fantastic. Not only does it have fruits and vegetables like many traditional markets, it also has anything you could possibly think of. It has a place where you can buy spices, clothes, kitchenware, candy, trinkets, meat, fruits, vegetables, fish, and toys; to name a few. It is only a short bus ride to get there and the bus fare is pretty decent. So if you come to Warwick, making a trip to Coventry is a must! 

Oh, almost forgot. So the picture of the statue below is of Lady Godiva. On the tour you get to hear the legend behind that and also learn why perverts are called peeping toms.

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