Monday, November 22, 2010

The London underground

Hello again and may I say Happy Thanksgiving! Although I guess it is a bit early. I am actually making Thanksgiving for my kitchen at my dorm, which means I am making enough food for 18 people! I will have help though so it will not be too bad. Anyway on to the topic of the day....

The London Underground

As I have already posted on here, I went to London the weekend before last. During this trip, my roommate and I used the London Underground frequently to get around well...London. Basically the London underground is a series of train routes under London. These routes are very convenient (especially for the tourist who does not want to walk everywhere or does not have the time to). For 5 pounds you can get an all day pass which very quickly pays for itself, especially for my roommate and I who probably took the trains around 10 times.

The only downside that I found to traveling using the Underground was that it is noisy and usually extremely crowded. There were times when I got squeezed into a train with very little personal space and I had to make sure to hold on to my roommates are when we were traveling through. It does take you all over London though and although at first it seems quite a bit confusing, with the assistance of a map, it really is not that bad. Taking a train on the Underground is definitely a must-do part of the experience of going to London.

Two more side notes, not exclusive to the London Underground, but I experienced because of the various train rides. First off a Boxing Day Pasty is the best Pasty ever! It has ham, potatoes, gravy, chicken, cranberries, and turkey. I got one at the train station and it was absolutely delicious. Second, Kings Cross was remodeling when I went through, but it is still a very nice station. Plus, for all the Harry Potter fans, it has platform 9 and 3/4 with half of a luggage trolley sticking out of the wall! That is it for this post. Enjoy time with the family this week and of course Thanksgiving! Cheers!

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